General info about Sudan

Sudan is the second largest country in Africa. Located on the North- Eastern Side of the African continent at 4 &21 latitude & 38 East longitude, covering an area of 1.882.000square k/m, Sudan is essentially a country of vast plains, interrupted by a few widely separated groups of hills and mountains such as Jabal Mara in the West and the Red sea hills in the East. The country is bordered by Seven countries, Egypt and libya from the North, Chad and central Africa from the West ,the Republic of South Sudan from the South, Ethiopia and Eritrea from the East SUDAN ALL IN ONE. Tourism in Sudan Sudan the exceptional destination Sudan is essentially a country of vast plains, interrupted by a few widely separated groups of hills and mountains such the Red Sea hills in the east. The country is bordered by seven Countries: Egypt and Libya from the North, Chad and central Africa from the west, Republic of South Sudan in the south, Ethiopia and Eritrea from the East. Climate: The Climate is variable, to the Sahara Arabian Climate in the North. The Climate is hot and rainy during April-October and pleasantly warm from November – March. The large Variation in Climate and soil has been reflected in the rich flora and fauna of the country and the high diversity of its ecological habitat. Entry Document and Customs Regulations: All foreigners must obtain entry visa from Sudanese Missions in their respective countries .All tourists are requested to register at alien office within three days of arrival. Value Added Tax: Value added tax « VAT» is included in the price of most goods and services. Visitors are required to pay VAT on purchased goods. Immunization: Yellow fever vaccination certificate is required .Visitors are advised to contact the nearest Sudanese mission or their local travel agents for more information. Language: Arabic is the official Language, English is widely spoken in the urban areas. Religion : The majority is of Islamic faith, there are also Christians and pagans. Population : 30 million 80% of them live in rural areas mainly in the Nile valley. People are peace loving and friendly. Currency: The currency is the Sudanese pound. Foreign exchange: Travelers check and foreign currency notes of all major currencies can be exchanged at commercial banks as well as major hotels and exchange offices. Fluctuations in foreign exchange markets are reflected in rates quoted on a daily basis. Banking hours: Sunday to Thursday 8.30_______ 3 pm Postal services: Most post offices are open during business hours, Sunday – Thursday 8.30 _______6.30. An international priority mail service is available. Express Mail Services: DHL – Worldwide Express Tel: -777135 -77750 Khartoum Express Mail. Tel -773372-778661 Khartoum TNT. Tel – 472205-472203 Accommodation : Sudan has a wide range of hotels, categorized and uncategorized hotels, guest houses, youth hostels, self catering Flats, Inns. Shopping: Sudan has a wide range of shops, street vendors and flea markets. Sport and recreation: Football and basketball and water body sports, Tennis, Golf, and Billiard are available in Sudan. Scuba Diving & Water sports: Sudan>s coastal waters at the Red Sea offer safe diving condition and the coastal line provides perfect conditions for a wide range of water sport. , yet fishing either in the Red Sea or the Nile is available . Trekking and Hiking trails: the many Sudanese hiking trails filled with a brilliant array of flora , waterfalls. The major areas are Mara Mountains and Nuba Mountain. Red Sea.

Public Holidays: Independence Day: Ist of Jan one day. Christians orthodox: 9 Jan 3 days Peace day: 9 Jan one day. Easter day: one day for Moslems 3 day for Christians. New Hijra Year: 1st of Muharm ( hijra Calender ) 1 day Birth of Prophet Mohamed: 12 Rabee Al Awal one day . Eid Elfiter (Ramdan): IST of shawal (hijra Calener ) 4 days . Al Adha scarification (kurban Bairam): 10th of zu Al Hijra (hijra Calender) 5 days Coptic Nevros: 27th Apr. 3 day’s chrismas 25th Dec. 1 day. Telecommunications: Sudan utilizes the GSM system for cellular phones thereby enabling foreign visitors to use their cell phone in the country. Prepaid card are available. International dialing codes can be found in all local telephones directories Card operated public telephones are available at airports, shops, and post offices . Water: Sudan tap water is extremely palatable and perfectly safe to drink. Bottled water is available at most retail outlets. Car Rental: An International driver‘s license is required. Cars can be rented at major airports, or through a travel agent or through car rental companies. Medical Care: Medical services in Sudan are readily available-certain pharmacies and Hospitals render a 24 hour emergency service in most towns and cities – major hotels have contracts with physicians & dentists. Useful Telephone Numbers: Khartoum airport Information Office 777162 Police Emergency services 999 Khartoum Hospital 779500 Ministry of Foreign affair: – 773101. Sudanese Travel & Tourism union: 796173 Miscellaneous: Local time: GMT + 3 hours Weekly closing day: Friday and Saturday Governmental offices 8 _400 Electricity: 220 volt. How to Dress: Light cloth, preferably cotton